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Detailed installation

For someone who doesn’t use Python, the easiest way to install tiara is to use a conda environment. This way your existing Python-dependent programs won’t be affected by, for example, updating some libraries.

Python installation

  1. Follow the installation instruction for your OS on: Install Python >=3.7 version. (Most tested on 3.8).

  2. After you installed (mini)conda and verified it works, create new virtual environment, for example tiara-env:
     conda create --name tiara-env python=3.8
  3. After the environment is crated, run conda activate tiara-env.

You can of course install tiara in any Python environment (venv, virtualenv etc), but it should be a fresh one.

Tiara installation

Using pip

Run pip install tiara, preferably in a fresh environment.

Using conda

Run conda install -c conda-forge tiara, preferably in a fresh environment.

We recommend to use mamba instead of conda (it’s faster).

Unfortunately currently it does work only for python 3.7 and 3.8.


Now you can install tiara in your environment. There are two ways to handle dependencies:

Now you can either clone or download the latest release from, navigate to the directory containing and run it:

git clone
cd tiara
python install

Verify the installation with tiara-test (it may take a while).

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